##’datefmt’ error When Resource.get() return an object from remote, the Date property will be String, AngularJS will not automatically transfom it. You could transform it by transformResponse. I provide another solution:

'use strict';
var ahbHotelService = angular.module('ahbHotelService',['ngResource']);

    var AHBHotel = $resource('/api/hotel/:id',{},{

    var protoGet = AHBHotel.get;
    AHBHotel.get = function(params){
        var result =  protoGet(params);
            result.created = new Date(result.created);
        return result;
    return AHBHotel;

##watch is shallow Oh, it’s just a little hint!

id selector was executed automatically

For those elements with id property, a variable named same as the id property’s value could be called directly. For example: <div id=”id1”…

app.controller(‘ctrl’,function($scope){ id1……

which work!